Toxic Relationships are Painful to Endure

#c0-dependency #toxicrelationship #selfesteem Toxic relationships. In this article, I  refer to one party of a toxic relationship as the toxic person, or TP. He or she is the individual you cannot let into your life without inviting in a lot of anger, resentment, ridicule, hateful harangues, and exasperating evasions. Ever wonder why a certain relationship…

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Catholic Growiing Up — Doubtful Growing Old

#catholic #religion #mass #catholiceducation #childabuse I was raised Catholic. I look back in amazement to my boyhood when reasoning, educated adults imposed pointless regimentation on children in the name of religion. The Church, gratefully, has changed over the years. But in the early and mid-twentieth century, adults often invoked faith to justify the harsh treatment…

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Losing a Pet — Every Owner’s Dread

Losing a pet is painful. I had to give up my dog Jessie. She had lost control of her bowels. We never had any problems during the six years she lived with us as an inside dog. We did not know anything about her history, however, because she was a rescue. The veterinarian estimated her…

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Marilyn Monroe — Icon: The Life, Times and Movies of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe died on August 5, 1962, yet she has remained alive in the minds and hearts of people throughout the world ever since. While 600 books have been published about the actress, Gary Vitacco-Robles’ biography, Icon: The Life, Times and Films of Marilyn Monroe, is a prodigious achievement that easily relegates the efforts of…

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Viral Mythology Explores How Myths Are Created and Broadcast

The subtitle to Viral Mythology, by Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman, reads “How the truth of the ancients was encoded and passed down through legend, art, and architecture.” The authors present an ambitious explanation of how and why the ancient myths and those we create today continue to roll forward in time often without…

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Sales Training — Counselor Selling was Wilson Learning’s Flagship Program

@salestraining @counselorselling #wilsonlearning @larrywilson Sales training and interpersonal skills training are still offered by Wilson Learning Corporation. The following article is the second in a series covering my professional experience at Wilson Learning Corporation in the 1970’s. Nobody was allowed much time to settle in at Wilson Learning. I had to hit the ground running.…

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