Archive for August 2016
Captivated by Marilyn – A Brief Biography of Gary Vitacco-Robles
#sexsymbol #marilynmonroe #fifties #cinema This is the third in a series about Gary Vitacco-Robles, the author of the monumental biography ICON:The Life, Times and Films of Marilyn Monroe, Volumes I and II. I have reviewed both volumes and published two segments of my interview with Vitacco-Robles. In this installment, I asked him to share something…
Read MoreOverdose Caused Marilyn Monroe’s Death – Suicide Still a Doubt
#Overdose #Suicide #MarilynMonroe This is the second installment of an interview with Author Gary Vitacco-Robles. In earlier posts, we reviewed Volume I and Volume II of his definitive biography, Icon: The Life, Times and Films of Marilyn Monroe. In this installment, the author responds to our questions about the star, her psychological profile and…
Read MoreMarilyn Monroe – Causes of Tragic Suicide
#sexualabuse #MarilynMonroe #sexsymbol #suicide Marilyn Monroe is arguably the most well-known celebrity of all time in the entertainment industry. Her achievements as an actress have earned her recognition and honors throughout the world. The popularity of her films, thanks to the availability of DVD versions and streaming services, ranks high against the many legends of…
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