Elderly Care
Gerontologists: Creativity Increases with Age
Gerontologists say that creativity does not decline with the advance age. Oldsters have more life experience to call upon in solving problems or taking on a new venture. The only diminished mental faculty most of my 70+ friends notice is memory. Short term memory. We can remember the name our first grade teacher or the…
Read MoreAgeism – Getting Older Ain’t for Sissies Yet Our Humor Belittles Elders
#ageing #ageism #elderly Ageism is something many don’t recognize today as a concern worthy of their time. A reader recently sent me a series of cartoons about elderly people. Each panel poked fun at the commonplace inconveniences or afflictions of old age; i.e. incontinence, forgetfulness, general decrepitude, impotence, diminished libido, ineptitude, etc. The subjects were depicted…
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