Blended Families
Blending Families Successfully – Destined to be a Classic
#blendingfamily #stepparent #remarriage #stepchildren Blending Families Successfully, by George S. Glass, published in 2014, deserves much more attention than it is getting for all the wisdom brimming between its covers. Dr. Glass is a board-certified psychiatrist with years of experience in counseling parents and individual clients. In Blending Families, he gets out from behind the…
Read MoreNatural Parent’s Support Critical to Stepparent Success in Blending a Family.
#stepparent #stepparenting #stepchildren #blendingfamilies My stepson Matt, his wife Kristina and her two children spent the Fourth of July weekend with us in the mountains, and I was reminded again of how fortunate I am as a husband and a stepparent. I gained a son when Melinda and I married in 1986. She, as the…
Read MoreStepparent Seen by Adult Children as Parent’s New Partner But Not as a Stepparent.
#stepparent #blendedfamily #stepchild A reader from New York asked if I planned on commenting about the role of a stepparent when the stepchildren have left the home and are established as adults on their own. Great question! Great suggestion! There is not a whole lot of actual parenting to be done once children have moved…
Read MoreStepparent and Natural Parent Parenting Styles–Good Predictor for the Marriage Itself.
#stepparent #parentingstyle #blendingfmailies #secondmarriage I appreciate the responses to my postings about the role of a stepparent and step parenting. Several readers have shared their experiences, and I am including three of them here with comments as another installment of this series. When Parenting Styles Clash An Atlanta man wrote: Our blended family consisted of…
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