Health and Fitness
Gerontologists: Creativity Increases with Age
Gerontologists say that creativity does not decline with the advance age. Oldsters have more life experience to call upon in solving problems or taking on a new venture. The only diminished mental faculty most of my 70+ friends notice is memory. Short term memory. We can remember the name our first grade teacher or the…
Read MoreBirthday Party at Age Eighty – Nothing in the World Like It.
#aging #elderly #octogenarian Eighty! Eight-Zero, brother. Now that’s old. Old as dirt I remember a television program that was on in the 1950s called, “Life Begins at Eighty.” It featured a panel white haired octogenarians so perky that the audience almost believed an ancient truth was embedded in the title of the show. Back then,…
Read MoreAnesthesia Recovery Often Stressful
#anesthesia #oxycodone #overdose Anesthesia for major surgery is awesome stuff. Researchers are not entirely sure how it works. Scientific American had the best article I could find. It is worth a read. One thing is sure, anesthesia for major surgery works. The stuff puts you under big time. It’s not like sleep, Hamlet. There is…
Read MoreRecovery from Major Surgery Requires Gumption
#by-passsurgery #heartattack #convalesces #cardiac Recovery from major surgery is a drawn out process. Depending on the patient’s age and physical condition, it can take months. The body has absorbed a tremendous shock, especially with highly invasive procedures like coronary bypass surgery, joint replacement, or organ transplant. The patient’s strength is depleted. Muscles that worked…
Read MoreCoronary Bypass Surgery Commonplace and Life Extending for Many.
#bypasssurgery #coronary #openheart Coronary bypass surgery has been around for more than 50 years. Yet to the patient, most of whom experience the procedure only once, undergoing the operation can give rise to anxiety. The survival rate is actually very high. Less than 5 percent mortality in the first thirty days and less than 8…
Read MoreWidow Maker — The Left Main Coronary Artery
I have had high cholesterol all my life – stratospheric – in the mid-300 range. I also can not tolerate statins. Lipitor, Mevacor, Crestor, Zetia, etc. I tried them all. At one point, I signed up with the lipid clinic. Under a doctor’s direction, I started taking massive dosages of statins. My cholesterol totals were…
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