Final Day by Forstchen Superficial and Filled with Gimmicks

Post-apocalypse America. China occupies all territory west of the Mississippi except for the lands Mexico reclaims it lost in the Southwest. Eastern United States is in chaos. Metropolitan areas are radioactive wastelands or havens for marauders armed with military weapons to plunder villages where refugees seek survival. In his novel, The Final Day, author William…

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Pearl Harbor Galvinized the Nation and Brought the U. S. into the War

Seventy-three years have passed since the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, which took place during the early morning hours of December 7, 1941. President Roosevelt declared it “A date which will live in infamy” in his memorable speech to Congress just hours after the devastation was reported.  News of the attack galvanized the nation. …

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So We Have a Deal. Now What?

The news for the last several days, of course, has been all about the debt ceiling and the debate in Congress about raising it and cutting expenditures. So much has been written and broadcast about the subject that I don’t feel it serves much purpose for me to rehash things here. Thanks to all of…

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World War II Eventually Came to Chalkstone, South Dakota

World War II was real enough to people who lived on the east coast. They knew ships were being sunk every week by German submarines. The explosions on the stricken cargo vessels and tankers could often been seen from the shore. On the west coast, also, anxiety about the war was intense following Pearl Harbor.…

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