Posts Tagged ‘Poem’
Philip Kenney’s “Where Roses Bloom”
Where Roses Bloom, Philip Kenney’s recent book of poetry, is an impressive body of work, especially when the poet’s novel, Radiance, is included in any consideration of the author’s output. The title might suggest sentimentality in his approach. “Roses,” as a word, has many connotations. But do not be misled. Kenney’s work is fresh, challenging,…
Read MoreHonored with First Place Poetry Award in Literary Festival
On the Same Page Literary Festival in West Jefferson, NC, concluded Saturday, September 29th after a session in the Jefferson County Library during which the finalists in the festival poetry, non-fiction and fiction contests read their pieces. I was very pleased that my entry in the poetry contest was awarded first place, even more so…
Read MoreTwo Poems — One Explained; a Second Challenges Explanations
I have been writing poetry since I was a boy in elementary school. There have been times where poetry came easily, flowed right out of the daily events in my life. At other times, I felt as though I was hammering words into place, pounding the lines into shape in the hopes that I would…
Read MoreDeadly Portfolio Holds Autobiographical Material. This In Memory of My Father.
My father died on May 28, 1980. I was in Oak Ridge, TN at the time. I returned to my motel room after dinner and found the message light blinking on the telephone, as I tell the story in my novel, Deadly Portfolio: A Killing in Hedge Funds. In the book, the man taking the…
Read MorePerfection is an Ideal Always Beyond Achievement.
My guest again this Sunday is my son, Greg Hohn, and as in his last post, the reader will find a biographical note at the end of the article. Reading through his piece about the pursuit of perfection, I am reminded of the saying about golf, “It Ain’t a game of perfect.” A poorly stuck…
Read MoreAutumn is Solemn — A Poem
The colors are past their peak in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina. Yesterday the wind and rain began stripping the trees of their leaves. They swirl down to earth, some stem first like a bather testing pool water with one foot. Others drop like a hand, palm up—resigned. Some glide in a dance…
Read MoreEulogy for Nickie. When We Grieve the Passing of a Pet
#petcate #deathofpet #pet eulogy On Christmas morning, 1990, my wife entered the room with her present for me—Nickie, a beautiful black Persian kitten who lived with us as part of our family for nearly 18 years. He was a wonderful pet. To grieve his passing, I expressed my feelings of loss in a poem. …
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