Posts Tagged ‘loss’
Survival in an Indifferent Universe
#cancer #grief #disaster #god #tragedy My mother, my sister-in-law, my best friend, and my ex-wife died of cancer. Universe Cancer is evil. Like anything else, it wants to thrive. Growth, normally, is regarded as a good. Cancer is uncontrolled growth. It thrives by destroying the cells that support life, love, and thought. Nothing continues to…
Read MoreElephants, Mankind’s Last Innocence Endangered
#elephants #poaching #endangeredspecies #safari When Cecil, a magnificent twelve year old male lion, was killed by Walter Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota, the world took note. Finally, a cowardly act so outrageous in its cruelty gave rise to an outcry from thousands. Perhaps now, in the anger and grief, attention will be focused on the…
Read MoreBarter Theater Stage II Presentation of “The Gin Game” — A Review
Perhaps a member of the audience needs to be at least 70 years old to realize that Director Eugene Wolfe missed the point of D. L. Coburn’s award winning play, “The Gin Game,” as it is currently being presented at The Barter Theater Stage II. Wolf failed to grasp that he had three actors on…
Read MoreMy Dad Believed in the Manly Art of Self-Defense. No Boxing Gloves for Grampa
#selfdefense #boxing #grandfather #grandchildren May 28 is the anniversary of my father’s death. I wrote about the days leading up to his death in an earlier article for this web site. My dad died on May 28, 1980, after a debilitating series of small strokes that diminished him in degrees until he was barely there…
Read MoreVariable Annuities Insure Beneficiaries Against Loss Due to Market Risk
This is the second in a series of articles that I am writing on variable annuities. Readers are urged to read the first installment before tackling the one that follows. My initial article about variable annuities stressed: Financial advisers have strong incentives to sell variable annuities as they pay more in commissions than most other…
Read MoreWhen a Million Is Not Enough — Part II ( Margin is not the Answer)
Everyone saw it coming except my client. Big Dan pulled up stakes and left. My client had backed him until her million dollar nest egg was severely depleted and her own well being in jeopardy. The margin loan (See Part I) was not being repaid. It was on the books at a rate of 8.50%.…
Read MoreDeath and Taxes — Life Certainties
Life contains its certainties. Gravity is one. Death is another. Recently, the GOP majority proved that taxes are not, at least for the wealthy few in the nation. Most everything else is open to further investigation. Life certainties would seem to be the province of science. But theories are advanced only to be disproved and…
Read MoreVairable Annuities — A Great Way to Protect a Retirement Portfolio
Thanks for all the questions about annuities. Yes, annuities are a valuable way to protect your retirement portfolio and secure an income for your survivors. But there are several things to be considered before buying one. There are two kinds of annuities; fixed and variable. Fixed annuities guarantee income to the owner and often the…
Read MoreEulogy for Nickie. When We Grieve the Passing of a Pet
#petcate #deathofpet #pet eulogy On Christmas morning, 1990, my wife entered the room with her present for me—Nickie, a beautiful black Persian kitten who lived with us as part of our family for nearly 18 years. He was a wonderful pet. To grieve his passing, I expressed my feelings of loss in a poem. …
Read MoreOwning a Dog for the First Time. An Adventure Each Day.
#rescuedog #griecingapet #animalshelter #pet #owningadog I was pleased when my wife began to consider owning a dog for the first time. We had always been cat people. She had never owned a dog. But I had fond memories of canine pets when I was a boy. My own children had a mutt that the entire…
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