Toxic Relationships are Painful to Endure

#c0-dependency #toxicrelationship #selfesteem Toxic relationships. In this article, I  refer to one party of a toxic relationship as the toxic person, or TP. He or she is the individual you cannot let into your life without inviting in a lot of anger, resentment, ridicule, hateful harangues, and exasperating evasions. Ever wonder why a certain relationship…

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Ageism in America is Unconsious and Virulent

Ageism in America is deeply imbedded, largely unconscious and  hardly ever confronted. A reader recently sent me a series of cartoons about elderly people. Each panel poked fun at the commonplace inconveniences or afflictions of old age; i.e. incontinence, forgetfulness, general decrepitude, impotence, diminished libido, ineptitude with new gadgets,  etc. The subjects were depicted in…

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Teaching Was a Year Round Vocation in Small Town Mid-America

#teaching #Yankton #littleleaguebaseball #highschool Teaching was my vocation of choice. Upon entering college, I initially  chose business administration as a major. Somehow I imagined a career where I would rise to become a captain of industry. Never mind that there were no major companies in my hometown of Yankton, SD to give me any inkling…

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Meet Barbara Hinske, Author of Coming To Rosemont — A Debut Novel

Somewhere in a crabby moment, I wrote that the self-publishing industry exists for those who work in it; namely, the printers, publicists, promoters, contest sponsors, etc. A horde awaits the arrival of every neophyte author into the arena, eager to capitalize on the writer’s aspirations, ignorance, and boundless belief in self. All of that is…

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